Tart Apple Butter [Recipe]

Food, Gluten Free, Recipes, Sweet, Vegan

It’s time to share one of my favourites: My oh-so-simple recipe for tart apple butter. Fall is my favourite time of year. I’m a big fan of those cool, crisp days and warm, spicy treats that fill the house with the scents of fall flavoured foods and nostalgia. With the holidays just around the corner, […]

August 20, 2024

Tea Parties at Home

Food, Gluten Free, Recipes, Sweet

Tea parties at home are the best. I remember having them when I was a little kid; my mom would occasionally want to make something sweet (or just create a special occasion for us), and then she’d spruce up an ordinary day by surprising us with something like this. Being homeschooled has a lot of […]

February 8, 2020