Basic Whole Wheat Rolls [Recipe]

Bread, Food, Recipes, Savoury

Once again, I bring you another easy and delicious bread recipe: whole wheat rolls. These rolls are based on my Easy Whole Wheat Bread recipe, just with a little less whole wheat flour, a little more white flour, and slightly different directions to make them fluffier. If you prefer a denser roll, you can certainly […]

September 19, 2020

Basic White Bread Rolls [Recipe]

Bread, Food, Recipes, Savoury

Here’s another great recipe to have and to hold from this day forward. It’s actually the same basic recipe as my Easy French Bread, but this time we’re going to shape it into rolls instead of bread loaves! So, get ready people: Homemade white bread rolls are on the blog today! If you’ve made my […]

May 2, 2020