Baked Mars Bars [Recipe]

Chocolate / Monday, June 4th, 2012
And now for the long awaited recipe– Baked Mars Bars!  This recipe was inspired by an exceptional experience at Windsor’s Kildare House.  We have a group of friends who made a tradition of eating there every year on Robbie Burns’ birthday, and we had this one favorite dessert, called a “Deep fried Mars Bar.”  Wow, is it ever good!  When my family moved away from that area, however, we started doing Robbie Burns Day at our house, and well… I didn’t want to say goodbye to those gooey Mars Bars forever!  I couldn’t quite bring myself to deep fry them, though, so I created this recipe, which is super simple, and a little better for you.  Not that it’s “Good for you…”  Hehe… I won’t go so far as to say that.  These are definitely NOT a zero calorie dessert.  😉

These measurements aren’t exact by any means… You’re going to have to pull our your own culinary instinct here a little.  😉  But don’t freak out, you can’t really mess this up– everything is pre-made,  you just have to put it together.  Here’s the recipe!

Baked Mars Bars – Naomi Thomson
You can find phyllo pastry (also spelled “Filo” pastry) in the frozen pastry section of your grocery store, with other pre-made pastries and pie shells.

Mars Bars (1 per person you want to serve)
1 pkg. phyllo pastry, thawed
Butter, melted
Whipped cream, to serve
Chocolate sauce or syrup, to serve

To start out, go ahead and unwrap the Mars Bars.  And again, don’t freak out– you can do it. I believe in you!  😉

Next, unwrap the phyllo and lay it out on a clean work surface.  I’m using a large cutting board.
Melt some butter in a bowl and set it aside.  If you’re only making a few Mars Bars, start by melting a couple tablespoons of butter and see how far that takes you– you can always melt more if you need it.
Now begin assembling!  First, brush 1/2 a sheet of pastry with butter lightly.  Then fold that in half, and brush with butter again.
Next, set one of your chocolate bars toward the bottom center of the folded piece of pastry.  Fold the pastry up to cover the chocolate once.


Next, fold the sides in to wrap the edges of the chocolate in pastry.  Then roll it up the rest of the way!


Ta da!  Beautiful.  Place the wrapped bar, seam side down, on an ungreased non-stick cookie sheet.


And repeat!

If you don’t need to use all of your pastry in one go, wrap it back up in plastic and freeze it until the next time you want to use it.  I would save the box you bought it in too, just so that you have something to protect it from bending into odd shapes or breaking in the freezer.  If you’re not sure what else you can do with phyllo pastry, the possibilities are endless– you can always Google it, or post a comment requesting more recipes; I would be more than happy to share.  🙂

Next?  Bake, decorate, and eat.  Bake the Mars Bars in a 375 degree oven (Fahrenheit) for 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown.  Don’t worry if some of them burst open a little bit– just scrape the hot melted caramel away (carefully, so as not to burn yourself), and set them onto plates for serving.  Pipe or spray some whipped cream in a little dollop on the side, and drizzle with homemade chocolate sauce or whatever chocolate syrup you happen to have.

Note:  If you want a quick and delicious homemade chocolate sauce, put some semi-sweet chocolate chips into a small heavy-bottomed saucepan and melt them down with a bit of milk or cream, on a med-low temperature (this will burn easily, so be careful).  Stir constantly, and add enough milk or cream to make it the consistency that you want.  Serve warm.



…And that’s it!
Back next Tuesday with Checkerboard Cookies!  You can still sponsor that project too, so send me and email if you’d like to be the one to eat them.  🙂
Happy Tuesday!



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