A Change of Plans [My Story, Part 6]

Food, My Story

Last Week I left you hanging by telling you that I needed $10,000 to go to Bible school in Germany, and that I had just set my plan in place for saving the money. Two years of saving, I hoped, would get me there… not with much to spare, granted, but I’d be able to […]

November 29, 2017

Hello to You & 2014


For a while now, I’ve wanted to get some new pictures of myself on here so that y’all can know what I look like.  I suppose the reason for that is that I always like it when you can imagine “The face behind the photos” on this type of blog, since the pictures are generally […]

January 3, 2014

That’s So Me!

About, Naomi

I was thinking about writing a little “About me” blurb on here, but then I was like, nah.  I’ll just draw it. I feel like this describes me pretty well.  If you were to make one of these, what would an illustration of YOU look like?  Think about it; and then leave your thoughts in […]

December 3, 2013

Liebster Award & A Bit About Me


So guess what?  I was nominated by Rustic Honey for the Liebster award! This award, from what I could learn on Google, is just kind of an honorary award that gets passed from blogger to blogger, as if to say “Good job – Keep it up!” And so, I take a deep bow and say, […]

May 11, 2013