Liebster Award & A Bit About Me

About / Saturday, May 11th, 2013

So guess what?  I was nominated by Rustic Honey for the Liebster award! This award, from what I could learn on Google, is just kind of an honorary award that gets passed from blogger to blogger, as if to say “Good job – Keep it up!”

And so, I take a deep bow and say, THANK YOU to Lauren from Rustic Honey for nominating me!  It is a privilege.  πŸ™‚

The rules of the award are as follows:

  1. List 11 Random Facts about myself
  2. Answer 11 questions that Lauren wrote for me
  3. Pass the torch by nominating 11 bloggers with under 200 followers
  4. Create 11 questions for my nominees
  5. Display the Liebster Award logo

Now, I am going to bend the rules a little by not nominating another bloggers, as most of the blogs I follow have more than 200 followers.  However, I will link back to a couple favorites, just in case you’d like to take a peek!

I’ve been enjoying following few in particular recently:

Rustic Honey [Love this for Lauren’s down-to-earth personality!  Lauren is the one who nominated me for this award. :)]
Telling Oceans [Fun to read for DIY ideas, and I also love that she’s a new blogger, doing quite well it seems like!]
Sincerely Kinsey [I love this blog for beautiful photos!  I LOVE PRETTY PICTURES!]
A Beautiful Mess [Recipes, DIY, contests, pretty pictures, and more.  Basically a bunch of favorite things. :)]
Call Me Cupcake [My blogging inspiration.  Seriously love this blog.]

Note:  Doesn’t this make a funny emoticon?  :)]

Okay, back to the post.  Lauren asked me some questions.  So here are the answers, in case you feel like learning a bit about me for once, instead of just always reading about the food I make.  πŸ˜‰

Here goes!

1) What would you do if you won the lottery?
  Blink and stare and gasp in disbelief for at least 2 days, and then pray, and then pray more.  Wow.  What a responsibility!

2) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
  Chicken salad.  This would be an issue of survival, not of preference.  πŸ˜‰  Hehe, if I had to pick a favorite food though, well.  There isn’t such a thing.  I just love food in general.  πŸ™‚

3) What is your favorite meal of the day?
  I love waking up in the morning to the smell of fresh baked goods and a pot of fresh tea on the table.  So, when such a morning comes along,  I LOVE breakfast.  Otherwise, any meal I can eat with people I love is my favorite.

4) If you could live anywhere in the world where would you go?
  I would live near my family.  People are what make a house a home.  πŸ™‚  Preferably somewhere with rolling fields, all four seasons, and lots of trees… somewhere more country than city.  

5) What was the last DIY project or craft you did?
  Well.  It might have been making paper rivers and puppets for my Sunday school class.  πŸ˜€

6) What is your favorite holiday and why?
  I LOVE CHRISTMAS!  πŸ˜€  Because I love my family (I know, you’re totally shocked), and Christmas brings us all together.  I love it for its meaning, for its atmosphere, for its food, and for its people.  I also love that the whole world seems happy at Christmastime.  It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 

7) Coke or Pepsi? Apple or Mac? Pen or Pencil?
  Coke, Apple, Pen.  I like pencils, but I use pens more.  πŸ˜‰

8) What is your favorite blogging memory thus far?
  Watching my blog stats rise during the Christmas season, getting about 4000+ views on my blog per day!  Wow, that was so exciting!  Everyone wanted to make truffles for the holidays, I suppose.

9) Are you an early riser or a night owl?
  Night owl by habit, but I love the early mornings.  Gotta make a point of getting up earlier… There’s something so lovely about the quiet and peace of life in the morning.

10) What was the last recipe you tried… or pinned?
  Tried as in, something new?  Well, I made baked brie.  Which I will be sharing on this blog soon.  Can’t wait!  If you mean what was the last thing I made, I believe it was cake.  Go figure.  πŸ˜›

11) What is the best gift you have ever received and what was the worst?
  Best gift ever might have been… My Bible.  My cousin gave it to me for my birthday, and I’ve used it to pieces (literally).  Worst gift would be an ugly vintage nightgown, purchased at a thrift store and given to me by my sisters as a joke for Christmas.  πŸ˜›  It was funny, but… Probably won’t ever use it.  πŸ˜‰

Oh, and finally… 11 random facts about me:

1)  I have 11 siblings.
2)  I was home schooled from A-Z.
3)  I’ve moved at least 16 times in my life, so far.
4)  I’m 5’3″.
5)  I love Jesus!
6)  My favorite way to enjoy anything is with a friend – Even eating is boring when I’m alone.
7)  Although I love people, I am fairly introverted (I like to call myself an introverted extrovert).
8)  I love to travel.
9)  Greek food is one of my favorite things.
10)  Sometimes I eat with chopsticks at home, just because.
11)  I own my own business, making and selling cakes.  And also, I dance in the kitchen when I work.  When I’m alone, of course.  πŸ˜‰  (

Thank you Lauren for nominating me!  It was fun to fill all of this out.

And now, I might ask… What are 3 random things about YOU?  I’d love to get to know you, my readers, a little as well.  What are your passions, quirks, and random badges of honor?  I’d love to hear about them.     

Thanks for reading!  Back next week,


P.S.  Ran out of time this week for a new recipe.  But it’s coming, and soon.  So keep your eyes peeled… It’ll be here before you know it.

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