I’ve been wanting to get around to making this Vietnamese Pho noodle soup for a long time, and finally, I did it! This recipe is fantastic, and I highly recommend it. It’s easy to make, smells amazing, and tastes even better!
I made it according to her directions except that I made my own beef broth with fresh garlic, onion, and some spices… among which were black pepper, whole chili peppers, cilantro, and kaffir lime leaves for flavouring.
Click Here or on the photo to see the recipe! This blog is so, so beautiful and inspirational. Even if you’re not one to cook, just go look at it – It’s gorgeous.
You may have seen the photo of my first batch of pho on Instagram about a week ago, you guessed it – it was this recipe! Not nearly the beauty of these pictures granted (in my defense, I took that on my phone, at night, in a dark kitchen, and of my second helping of soup…)… But yeah. There’s my proof that I made it, in case you were feeling skeptical that the cake-maker can make beef-based soups. 😉
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