How to Dry Oranges in the Oven [Tutorial]

Christmas, Crafts, Gluten Free, Holidays, Miscellaneous, Recipes / Friday, November 24th, 2023

Ok my friends, today is the day you learn how to dry oranges in the oven. Orange slices, that is, for decoration, potpourri, or you name it. The world is your oyster!

This is something I’ve wanted to learn how to do for a lot of years for the purpose of decorating with them. Also, I had heard (and can now confirm) that the smell of drying oranges in your oven all day is something to make your home smell like Christmas; which in my opinion is a really great idea, especially at this time of year!

Here’s what you’ll need:

How to Dry Oranges in the Oven

First, make sure you do this on a day when you are home! When it comes to drying oranges in the oven, frequent turning prevents the oranges from burning and allows them to dry out more evenly, and this process will take the better part of your day.

Step 1:

Wash the oranges and slice evenly into 1/8″-1/4″ thick slices (keeping in mind that the thicker you cut them, the longer they will take to dry).

Step 2 (optional):

Using a chopstick or a straw, poke a hole in the white part of the rind where you might want to loop string through after drying, to make ornaments or other decorations. (Note: This is not entirely necessary, as you can poke a needle through the dried orange easily.)

Step 3:

Preheat the oven to the lowest possible temperature (in my oven, it’s 170 degrees F or about 76 degrees C).

Step 4:

Lay the orange slices out onto a parchment lined cookie sheet, and dry on the middle rack, turning every 30 minutes, for 5-10 hours, or until completely dry (the thickness of the slices will impact the length of time it takes to dry the slices).

Cool, and store in a sealed container until use.

I was surprised by how long it took these to dry (in my case, closer to 10 hours, having cut them about 1/4″ thick), and also how dark they were when they came out. They are beautiful, though; a lovely auburn colour, and will do very nicely for my purpose. I am curious though how bright they would be if I used a dehydrator… Maybe someday, if I can get myself one, I’ll be able to try another batch that way.

I plan to use mine for some handmade natural Christmas decorations (ornaments, specifically), so stay tuned for a second tutorial!

How do you plan to use your orange slices? I’d love to hear!

Be back soon,


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