Have you ever wanted to start a blog? And not just a cooking blog – I mean, a blog of any kind? Blogging takes all forms and personalities, like the people who write them. There are many “Successful” blogs out there– and no two of them are the same!
For a while, I wanted to start one but I wasn’t sure I’d be “As good” as someone else – but I’m learning not to worry about that. Blogs are unique because no two people are the same, and thus no two blogs are the same. You and I are unique – and you and I are the key ingredients to making our blogs stand out.
I’d love to know: If you were going to start one, what would you write about?
If you have thought about it, or you are thinking about it now, I have two things to mention:
First, leave me a comment to say so! I’d be excited to hear what you’re thinking!
Second, I’ve learned some things along the way in my own blogging journey that I think might help you. I’d encourage you to go check out my new page to see what I mean! I’ve made a lot of mistakes getting started, and I think it might be to your benefit to learn (from my failings!) some of the pitfalls you could avoid.
To visit my “How To” page Click Here or on the “How to Start a Blog” image here: –>
I’ve been really thankful over the past few weeks of “being in” that I have my blog. For me, it’s a really good outlet for productivity, creativity, and enjoyment; all of which are invaluable right now. Even if it doesn’t really go beyond adding that value to my life, I think it’s still really worth it. It’s something I can invest myself into while learning some new skills.
I hope to post more content on the subject of blogging in the future! If I can help you get started, I’d love to! It’d be a joy for me to be, in whatever small way, a part of your journey.
As I think up what’s next on the list of things to write about re: blogging, let me know if you have specific questions I can try to tackle first! I’d love to help you if I can.