Tea Parties at Home

Food, Gluten Free, Recipes, Sweet

Tea parties at home are the best. I remember having them when I was a little kid; my mom would occasionally want to make something sweet (or just create a special occasion for us), and then she’d spruce up an ordinary day by surprising us with something like this. Being homeschooled has a lot of […]

February 8, 2020

Gingerbread (Part 2/3)

Christmas, Cookies, Food, Recipes, Sweet

Today I’m going to show you how to maaaaake– dunna!  These wreath cookies!  (I know, I always start my posts something like that… But it always feels so anticlimactic to just out and say what I’m posting without some kind of drama.  So there you go.) I have been wanting to make these cookies for […]

December 20, 2012