A Natural Christmas Tree: Popcorn Garlands DIY [Tutorial]

Crafts, Creative Living, DIY, Miscellaneous, Sewing / Tuesday, December 12th, 2023

This year I decided to do something I haven’t done on my own before: Making popcorn garlands for my Christmas tree! This is something I did as a kid with my family which was always so pretty and so much fun. I have some good memories of sitting around the living room with my mom and sisters stringing popcorn for the tree (I am one of 12 kids – and 10 of them are sisters)! We didn’t make them every year, but we did it enough times that I look back on it with fondness.

My Own Christmas Theme

I love the natural/rustic look for Christmas decorations, and this year I decided to finally roll up my sleeves and make my “Someday” Christmas goals into a reality. In case you missed it, you can check out my DIY tutorial for Drying Oranges in the Oven, or my Natural Christmas Ornaments with Dried Oranges and Cinnamon. It’s been a fun time crafting and getting ready for the holidays! My theme this year is a good blend of the natural, homemade Christmas decor and the fun, magical sparkly look. I really love both, so why not put them together?

Christmas tree with popcorn garland

dried orange Christmas ornaments

Why bother making popcorn garlands?

Popcorn garlands make me think of Christmases growing up, and the feeling you get from the Little House on the Prairie Books, which is a feeling that makes me so excited to make more sweet Christmas memories with my own children. Clearly (in my case at least), making popcorn garlands was a memory worth re-creating, even though my children are small and I had to make these on my own.

Those are the kinds of memories I want to give to my children (memories of family doing things together), and I’m trying to make it a habit to go to the effort, even if they won’t remember, so that I will remember to keep trying. So, you ask: why bother? Bother because you’re making more than just a garland: you’re making a memory for your family.

popcorn garland DIY

Here’s what you will need (for one 6-7ft Christmas tree):


Step 1: Measure your thread

I like to make mine about an arms width (about 5 ft), and then double it so that the string can be doubled for better strength and durability. I don’t like to make it longer than this because it’s easy to get knots in the thread and mess the whole thing up. This length is good for keeping it workable.

Step 2: Thread the needle

Thread the needle, and double the thread so that the two ends are tied together, with the needle on one end, and the two knotted threads tied together on the other.

Step 3: Knot the thread onto a button

The buttons are necessary to prevent the thread from pulling through the popcorn and causing the whole strand to fall apart. Thread the needle through one of the button holes, and then pull it through the other direction until you can stick the needle between the 2 threads at the knot to connect it. Knot the thread into place.

popcorn garland DIY - wooden buttons

popcorn garland DIY - wooden buttons

Step 4: String the popcorn

Push the threaded needle through popcorn pieces, one at a time, until you have a long strand. When you have 4-6″ left on your strand, thread another button onto the end, and knot it into place. Cut the string, and voila! There is one completed garland!

popcorn garland DIY

popcorn garland DIY popcorn garland DIY popcorn garland DIY

Step 5: Repeat

Follow the above steps until you have finished making 8 5-ft popcorn garlands. Drape onto your Christmas tree or into other garlands around your house.

popcorn garland DIY popcorn garland DIY

Christmas tree with popcorn garland

And that’s it! Super simple. This is really fun to do with a friend or family member, or even just to work on while you watch your favourite Christmas movie.

Printable Tutorial:

How to Make Popcorn Garlands

This will tutorial will show you how to make enough garlands to decorate one 6-7ft Christmas tree.

Prep Time 1 day
Servings 8 5-ft garlands
Author Naomi


  • Unseasoned Popcorn 8 cups pocorn, which is about 1 cup of popping kernels, popped
  • Hot air popcorn popper or a pan on the stovetop to do it
  • A needle and thread any color thread is fine
  • A thimble
  • 16 Buttons any buttons will do, but I used these little wooden buttons
  • A large bowl to hold the popcorn while you work


Step 1: Measure your thread

  1. I like to make mine about an arms width (about 5 ft), and then double it so that the string can be doubled for better strength and durability. I don't like to make it longer than this because it's easy to get knots in the thread and mess the whole thing up. This length is good for keeping it workable.

Step 2: Thread the needle

  1. Thread the needle, and double the thread so that the two ends are tied together, with the needle on one end, and the two knotted threads tied together on the other.

Step 3: Knot the thread onto a button

  1. Thread the needle through one of the button holes, and then pull it through the other direction until you can stick the needle between the 2 threads at the knot to connect it. Knot the thread into place.

    (The buttons are necessary to prevent the thread from pulling through the popcorn and causing the whole strand to fall apart.)

Step 4: String the popcorn

  1. Push the threaded needle through popcorn pieces, one at a time, until you have a long strand. When you have 4-6" left on your strand, thread another button onto the end, and knot it into place. Cut the string, and voila! There is one completed garland!

Step 5: Repeat

  1. Follow the above steps until you have finished making 8 5-ft popcorn garlands. Drape onto your Christmas tree or into other garlands around your house.

Other Christmas posts you might enjoy:

Speaking of Christmas movies… Do you have a favourite?? Let me know in the comments!

Back soon,


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