Faith Walking: Hope for Hard Times

Family, Journals, Motherhood, Naomi

I took this picture the other day of my daughter, Faith, walking outside in the fall leaves. And, sitting down now, wanting to write about these days, I couldn’t help but think– that’s exactly what life is like at the moment. “Faith walking”… what a perfect picture and description of how I feel. Unsteady on […]

November 5, 2021

Welcome Baby Girl <3

Family, Motherhood, Naomi

Well, it’s taken me a while to post this, but better late than never, right? Almost exactly a month ago, we welcomed our little baby girl in this world! Faith Yvette Krasinkiewicz was born on July 13 at 8:58pm, weighing 6 lbs 9 oz, and measuring 20 inches long. She is beautiful, and her sweet […]

August 11, 2020

“How to Start a Blog” – New Page!

Blogging, Naomi

Have you ever wanted to start a blog? And not just a cooking blog – I mean, a blog of any kind? Blogging takes all forms and personalities, like the people who write them. There are many “Successful” blogs out there– and no two of them are the same! For a while, I wanted to […]

April 9, 2020

Thomson Baking Company [Coming Soon… We Hope!]

About, Naomi

Hey everyone! I had written this post up about a week or so ago, announcing the soon opening of my family’s new business location, a small bakery/cafe called the Thomson Baking Company! And then, this morning, I received my own update (as perhaps some of you did), that my blog was announcing the opening of […]

March 21, 2020

Having a Day

Journals, Naomi

Well everybody. Today is one of those bonus-post just because kinds of days. Why? Because I’ve set this day aside to blog, and well… I’ve been sitting on my couch for about 3 hours in my pyjamas with a half-finished cup of tea beside me wondering what I should focus on. My thoughts are everywhere […]

February 6, 2020

2020 Here I Come!

About, My Story, Naomi

Hey guys!

It’s been a very long time – too long of a time. And the new year has me dreaming like I’ve never done before!! (Ok maybe I have, but let’s just say the life has been blown back into me, and I’ve got a fresh vision for this blog!)

I think the last time I was on here, I had just gotten engaged, and I was heading into wedding planning with a plan to not worry about my blog, at least for a while. And, well, life happens. Not only were we busy during those months with wedding planning, we also encountered a year of surprises that I could not have predicted (or wished to predict).

January 4, 2020

A Brief Update


Hello blogging world!   I definitely haven’t updated much since I got engaged… because, well, (amidst a thousand other reasons) that is why I haven’t been updating: I got engaged!  And, as you may have guessed… I’m planning a wedding!   I wanted to drop in briefly though for 2 reasons:   First, I signed […]

April 11, 2019

Busy Getting Engaged and Stuff

About, Naomi, Weekly Recap

Well, once again I’ve fallen behind in blogging because of life. This time I think I have a pretty good excuse, though – I GOT ENGAGED! I wish I had a nice picture of us to share on here, but I’ll have to wait until we get some of those taken. In the meantime, I […]

October 29, 2018