Faith Walking: Hope for Hard Times

Family, Journals, Motherhood, Naomi

I took this picture the other day of my daughter, Faith, walking outside in the fall leaves. And, sitting down now, wanting to write about these days, I couldn’t help but think– that’s exactly what life is like at the moment. “Faith walking”… what a perfect picture and description of how I feel. Unsteady on […]

November 5, 2021

Birth Announcement: Welcome Here, William John!

Family, Motherhood

Well this is a few days late in coming, but I am delighted to announce the arrival of our first son, William John Krasinkiewicz! Birth Details William was born at home on August 4, 2021, weighing in at 7lbs 2oz and measuring just shy of 20” long. He is absolutely delightful and we couldn’t be […]

August 7, 2021

A Whole New World: Mom Blogging

Blogging, Family, Motherhood

Ok guys, trying to get back into blogging, I’m realizing: Mom blogging is a whole new world. At the time I write this I am 8 months pregnant and I have an almost-one-year-old clinging to my ankles. As you may (or may not) know, this blog has been an ongoing saga of start-and-stop for a […]

July 6, 2021

Welcome Baby Girl <3

Family, Motherhood, Naomi

Well, it’s taken me a while to post this, but better late than never, right? Almost exactly a month ago, we welcomed our little baby girl in this world! Faith Yvette Krasinkiewicz was born on July 13 at 8:58pm, weighing 6 lbs 9 oz, and measuring 20 inches long. She is beautiful, and her sweet […]

August 11, 2020