Cranberry Apple Butter [Recipe]

Food, Gluten Free, Holidays, Recipes, Sweet, Vegan / Monday, October 23rd, 2017


The dream of cranberry apple butter has been on my mind for a long time now – and having recently made my Tart Apple Butter, it seemed time to make that dream a reality!

This smooth fruit spread is tart and sweet, and a rich, deep red. It’s absolutely perfect for this time of year, since it tastes like dreams come true, and it smells like Christmas. Believe me, the effort (which is actually not that much) is well worth it when it comes to making this lovely fall/winter treat.

Use this in place of any normal jam. Personally, I love it on toast with butter or peanut butter… Because who doesn’t love apples with peanut butter?

Scroll down for the recipe!



Cranberry Apple Butter
Makes 3-4 8-oz jars

9 c. apples
3 c. cranberries
2 c. sugar
1 c. apple juice, cranberry juice or water
1/4 c. lemon juice
4 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp. ground cloves

(1)  Wash, peel, and chop the apples; set aside. Wash the cranberries.

(2)  Put the apples, cranberries, juice, and lemon juice into a food processor or blender, and blend until very smooth. If your machine isn’t large enough, you may have to do this in 2-3 batches, using 1/2 or 1/3 of the liquid with each batch.

(3) Pour the pureed fruit mixture into a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, and add the remaining ingredients. Stir to combine.

(4) Bring the mixture to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer for 6-10 hours, or until reduced by about 1/2, and the mixture has thickened and darkened to a rich, deep red.

(5) Can in sealed jars, or store in containers in the fridge or freezer until use. Use as you would any regular fruit jam or spread.


Happy cooking!


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